Starter Guide to Organizing Your Home and Creating a Cleaner, Healthier Environment

This article will reveal many tips and tricks for organizing your home, as well as provide you with a few helpful tools to keeping your space neat and tidy.

How to Overcome the Mental & Physical Barriers of Household Organizing

Regardless if you rent or own a home, there are plenty of opportunities out there that can help you to get rid of your clutter and organize your home. 

The home organization has many benefits. It can make your living space look tidy; it can help you stay organized in life; it helps you be more productive in the workplace.

We're here to help you tidy up your home with the best organizing tips. First, let’s discuss the common reasons why people don’t organize. Some of these mental and physical barriers include:

- The feeling that you have too much to do, so it’s hard to know where to start.

- Finding it difficult to maintain a positive attitude when organizing your home.

- Not knowing how you will find the time or energy needed for the project.

- Feeling stressed from lack of space or clutter accumulating in your home.

- Becoming distracted or lose track of time as you complete tasks, which leads to procrastination.

When you feel overwhelmed by the process, take a look at this guide to help you overcome those barriers and get your home organized! 

Organization Tools for Every Room in the House

Home organization is an important step towards a more organized life. It will help you keep your house clean, look beautiful, and feel organized. Organization will also help you find what you are looking for in no time. If you are not sure which home organization tools to use, this section will make the process much easier. We have picked the best organizing tools for every room in the house - including kitchen organization supplies, home organization kits, and closet organizer bags.

Kitchen Organization Supplies: Pantry Starter Kit from The Container Store or Marie Kondo Fridge Organizer kit. They have plenty of designs for Utensil Trays, Drawer Organizers, Cookware organizers, Roll-out cabinet drawers, stackable food storage containers, turntable spice racks.

Home Organization Kits: Lower Cabinet Organization Starter Kit - one of the easiest ways to organize kitchen or bathroom cabinets.

Closet Organizer Bags: Marie Kondo Shoji Closet Storage Solution

You can find these items over at Home Depot and The Container Store to help you get your space in order once and for all.

2 Simple Ways to Get Rid of Clutter

Clutter can be a real nuisance. It can make your life complicated and frustrating.

The clutter that is found in our homes doesn’t always stem from compulsiveness. Sometimes it's just habit, or maybe we’re not able to see the clutter because it has become so familiar to us over time. Whatever the reason, here are the easiest ways to get rid of clutter!

- Get Rid of Useless Items: Go through your home and get rid of anything that you don't use or have no use for. If you are not sure about something, ask yourself if there is a specific occasion where you will need this item in the future? If not, then proceed to recycle, sell, donate or toss it out!

  • Recycle: Most containers such as jars or boxes can be recycled for use in organizing your pantry. 

  • Sell: Old electronics or collectibles can be listed on eBay or sold in a weekend garage sale.

  • Keep: Keep all items with a sentimental value. 

  • Donate/Sell: Everything else.

- Keep Things Organized: One way to keep things organized is by reading this guide and using organizational bins and other tools to separate your possessions into their respective categories.

How to Set Up a Home Organization System that Makes Keeping the House Clean Easier

It's time to take back control of your home! You can do this by creating an organization system that makes it easier to keep the house clean. There are many great systems out there, so you’ll just need to pick one.

- Keep things in their place with baskets and bins.

If you're anything like me, you've got a lot of stuff. Stuff that needs to be organized. And for some reason, it all seems to need to be in the kitchen. There are so many items that seem necessary in the kitchen - measuring cups and spoons, knives, spatulas, cutting boards, napkins, paper towels, and all sorts of other things. 

- Make sure everything is put away in its place after use so you know where it is when you need it next.

Make sure everything is put away in its place after use so you know where it is when you need it next. You can't find a pen, a marker, or scissors if they're all over the house. Keeping everything organized will help you find what you need and keep clutter down.

- Create a daily or weekly routine for keeping things clean and tidy.

It is easy to forget about keeping things clean and tidy. However, this is important for both your mental and physical health. Having a daily or weekly routine for keeping things clean and tidy can improve your quality of life.

Simplifying Your Life with the 10-minute Housekeeping System

The perfect housekeeping system simplifies our life because it takes away the hassles of planning and executing cleaning tasks. It also frees up time for us to do other things that we enjoy.

This 10-minute housekeeping system is not about cleaning your home in 10 minutes. It's about simplifying your life by removing the tasks you don't need to do.

-Start by decluttering your home and throwing out anything that doesn't belong there anymore, piling up, or has lost its usefulness.

-Next, organize what's left according to how often it needs to be used e.g., daily items, weekly items, etc.

-Third, store these items in the right places so they are easy to find and reach without having to spend hours searching for them later on.

-Finally, cleaning your home. Start from the top down. This is so important because it helps prevent dirt from being tracked through the house. This can have a huge impact on the appearance of your home. Clean regularly and it won’t take much effort each time.

Should you require help with cleaning your entire home, do seek help! House cleaning companies like CleanMyTribe Fort Wayne are a great solution to getting your home back to tip-top shape.

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