When Your Wardrobe Gets Out Of Hand: Exploring Clothing Storage Options

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Organizing your wardrobe is no small task. Between changing out collections for the season and impulse purchasing, things can get out of hand. Even people with small wardrobes may benefit from the right kind of closet.

People with large collections, fashion lovers, and even people who may shop a bit too much may find the most relief from a new closet. The more items we have, the more important the organization becomes.

How can you approach your growing clothing collection? When is it time to consider a new closet versus editing your shopping habits?

Learn how to assess your needs and when to choose a professional for your closet remodel. It's not a job you should do yourself.

Why Care About Home Organization?

There are scientific studies on how clutter negatively affects well-being. So you aren't being dramatic when you feel your stress rising at the apartment door.

Having a tidy, calming home can make a big difference in how we feel and that just makes sense. Being organized can also bring a sense of satisfaction. Most people feel good when a job is well done.

When things have a place, it's much easier to pick up around the house. That leaves more time to enjoy the surroundings or to go do something fun.

Our wardrobe is a particularly important thing to keep organized. When we see clearly what we have, we may buy fewer duplicates. It saves time when getting ready if things are close at hand. We may also get more enjoyment from our things if we can find and use them.

If your home feels a little disorganized you might be someone who could use some help. This means you might be looking into a closet remodel and a professional organizer. 

Imagine someone popping by and establishing a stress free system for you to follow.

Maximizing Closet Space

Before someone can organize your closet, however, you need a sufficient sized space. In many homes, that could mean a closet remodel.

Custom Closet Systems

You might consider investing in a custom closet system. A custom system is luxurious and functional. It's tailored to your specific needs and preferences.

Your contractor will help you explore different configurations. You may be amazed at the modern options. There are many styles of shelving units, drawers, shoe racks, and accessories to create a functional and visually appealing storage space.

You might fall in love with your closet.

Closet Remodeling

Whether you go custom or choose a prefab option, you'll need to schedule a remodel.

A closet remodel will transform your closet into a luxurious retreat. Or, at least a more functional space. Forget stressing out before work or your next date. Everything will have a place and even the right lighting to help you see it.

Explore design ideas and layout options with your team. They'll walk you through options like built-in lighting and mirrors. You may be surprised to learn that it's possible to expand the size of your closet to accommodate your wardrobe.

Organization Techniques

Once your closet is structurally sorted, you'll probably need an organization technique.

Discover practical tips and tricks for organizing your closet space efficiently, from decluttering and categorizing items to utilizing storage solutions like shelves, bins, and hanging organizers.

If it feels a little overwhelming, that's ok! There are plenty of professional organizers, many who specialize in closets.

Embracing Minimalism in Your Wardrobe

While you're investigating what to do about your growing pile of clothes, you might be asking yourself some tough questions about your shopping habits.

Shopping is the kind of habit or behavior that may become compulsive. In that case, you might consider exploring professional therapy. 

Online therapy providers like BetterHelp have resources to help you understand your shopping habits.

If you want a little extra support after reading up on the subject, they have people ready to help.

If you don't feel out of control about your shopping and just want to learn how to be more efficient, minimalism might be the answer.

Understanding Minimalism

Minimalism is more than just a design aesthetic. It's a lifestyle choice centered around simplicity, intentionality, and mindfulness.

When applied to your wardrobe, minimalism encourages you to focus on quality over quantity. It suggests prioritizing items that bring you joy and serve a purpose.

By editing this way, you may clear your space from unnecessary clutter.

Embracing minimalism in your wardrobe can offer numerous benefits, including:

  • Reduced decision fatigue: With fewer clothing options, you'll spend less time agonizing over what to wear each day.

  • Streamlined shopping experience: By adopting a minimalist mindset, you'll be more discerning in your purchasing decisions. This can help you opt for items that align with your personal style and values.

  • Environmental impact: By consuming less and investing in higher-quality, ethically-made garments, you can reduce your carbon footprint and support sustainable fashion practices.

  • Financial savings: By curating a capsule wardrobe of versatile pieces, you'll spend less money on impulse purchases and trendy items that quickly go out of style.

Building a Minimalist Wardrobe

To create a minimalist wardrobe, follow steps like these:

  1. Assess your current wardrobe: Take inventory of your clothing and accessories, identifying items that you love and wear frequently, as well as those that no longer serve you.

  2. Define your personal style: Consider the aesthetic and silhouettes that resonate with you, and prioritize pieces that reflect your unique preferences.

  3. Invest in quality basics: Build your wardrobe around timeless essentials, such as a classic white shirt, tailored blazer, versatile denim, and comfortable knitwear. Think about what can be mixed and matched to create a variety of outfits.

  4. Choose versatile pieces: Opt for clothing items that can be easily layered and styled in multiple ways. This can maximize their wearability and versatility.

  5. Curate intentionally: Be selective in your purchases. By prioritizing quality over quantity, you may find it easier to choose pieces that add value to your wardrobe and lifestyle.

  6. Embrace slow fashion: Support ethical and sustainable fashion brands. These are brands that prioritize transparency, fair labor practices, and environmentally friendly production methods.

  7. Practice mindful shopping: Before making a purchase, ask yourself if the item fills a gap in your wardrobe. Does it align with your values? Could it bring enjoyment? Avoid impulse buys and trendy pieces that may not stand the test of time.

Minimalism isn't about restricting or denying yourself. It's about being deliberate and getting true value from your wardrobe.

Signs of Compulsive Shopping

It's possible that you're facing challenges that rise above disorganization. In order to assess correctly, you may benefit from learning about compulsive shopping.

Understanding Compulsive Behavior

Compulsive shopping, also known as compulsive buying disorder, differs from typical shopping behavior. You may be able to tell just by how you feel. However, there are a few considerations that may bring clarity.

Potential Red Flags

Potential alerts that you may be shopping compulsively might include excessive spending. If your shopping puts you in a compromised financial position, it may warrant a closer look.

Do you feel you engage in a lot of impulse shopping? If you don't feel in control or feel disproportionately excited when shopping, this could also be something to pay attention to.

Feelings of guilt or shame or the inability to control your shopping behavior are also things you do not have to live with. With a little guidance, you and a professional therapist may be able to develop coping tactics to reduce any negative effects you're experiencing.

Seeking Support

If you suspect that your shopping habits may be impacting your well-being or financial stability, consider seeking support from a mental health professional before you reorganize your closet.

Therapy can provide valuable insights and strategies for managing compulsive behaviors and addressing underlying emotional triggers.

This might help your closet stay organized. But, more importantly, it may bring more relief and peace to your life.

Finding Balance

Ultimately, the key to improving the situation in your closet is all about balance. Find a process that promotes your well-being and financial stability.

Maybe that looks like a brand new closet, some organizational help, and a curated collection. However, your strategy might involve a different kind of professional support like therapy.

No matter which option you choose or a combination of the two, there are resources available to help you on your journey.

Enjoy that closet clarity!

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