How to Cool Your Home This Summer: Organizing Tips That Work

If the summer heat is becoming too much to bear, especially inside your home, it's time to make some changes. Your air conditioner can do much of the work, but you can't rely solely on it for comfort, especially in a scorching climate. Luckily, you can try some organization and home modification tips to beat the heat.

Start With The Windows

A good first defense against the blazing sun is to be smart about your windows. One of the best ways to keep your house cool during summer is by covering them whenever possible. Close the blinds and curtains when you're away at work, and you can return to a cool house. If it's still warm, consider applying a heat-reducing film to the interior side of the window to further regulate the temperature.

Before the summer arrives, make it a point to check the windows and doors for leaks. When the windows aren't sealed, and air can leak out, it makes your air conditioner work harder, so it takes longer to cool the room. Plus, your utility bill goes up when your HVAC systems are on for longer.

If it tends to get cooler at night, consider opening your windows to let in the cool air so you can truly relax. Organization is necessary here. Put everything in its place so it's not piled up in front of the windows, or it could block your airflow. 

When you own your home, it’s worth investing in eco-friendly home upgrades that can keep your house cool, including energy-efficient windows, an efficient HVAC system, and solar panels to back it all up. You may put these projects on the back burner because the costs appear out of reach. However, there are ways to pay for larger projects, including securing a home equity loan, applying for a personal loan, or tapping into your personal savings or emergency fund.

Fans, Air Conditioning, And Purifiers

In preparation for the summer months, creating a strategy to ensure your air conditioner is in good repair is a good idea. Create a list you follow each year that includes cleaning debris from the outdoor unit, checking coolant lines to ensure they're insulated, and bringing out a professional to verify that your system's in good shape.

If you want to save money on your costs or don't have a central air system in your home, there are ways to cool the rooms you use most without taking up much space. One of them is to use a portable AC unit you can bring wherever you are. Another option is to invest in a mini-split, which is an air conditioner that you can attach to an inside wall.

Another reason to keep clutter away from windows is that you can use window box fans to your advantage. Direct the fan so it blows the air outward during the warmest hours of the day. You can also create a cross-breeze by placing a standing fan across from the open window. 

While moving around cool air is essential for your comfort, it's also vital to remember the other dangers of hotter temperatures. Excessive heat often contributes to more air toxins because many forms of pollution undergo chain reactions in response to sunlight. It can even lead to urban smog, which can cause asthma and other conditions. Breathe easier and eliminate many toxins in your home with an air purifier. In addition to reducing toxins, air purifiers can eliminate the unpleasant odors of sweaty clothes and other summer smells. They'll also reduce airborne particles, so your air conditioner doesn't need to work as hard.

Rearrange Your Spaces

Another tip to ensure the easy flow of cold air through your home is to change how your rooms are arranged, especially regarding furniture. Make sure your chairs and rugs aren't blocking air vents. You can even move furniture so it's closer or facing the vents. You can also eliminate dust from the environment by cleaning the cushions and dusting unseen places, like chair legs.

Finally, stay organized by decluttering your rooms and keeping unnecessary items off the floor so the air can circulate throughout your home without hitting blockages. Ensure that any clutter piled up does not accumulate dust. Put everything in its place to avoid the potential of more allergens. 


If you work or otherwise spend a lot of time at home during the summer, it's in your best interest to stay cool with a well-maintained HVAC system and these cooling and organizing tips. Make simple adjustments around your house, and you'll feel better when the temperatures rise.

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