
Guest Post - How To Modernize Your Teens Bedroom

Guest Post - How To Modernize Your Teens Bedroom

When it’s time to turn your teen’s bedroom into a hipper, more modern space, it can seem pretty daunting at first. However, there are plenty of simple and affordable ways to change up the look of a pre-teen bedroom and give it that fresh, updated look that your teen has probably been asking for.

Planning out all the items you’ll need, curating a complimentary look for all the decor and furniture, and of course, finding the best minimalist approach are all important factors to keep in mind when it’s time for that long-awaited bedroom makeover.

Guest Post - 9 Ultimate Ways to Make Your Bedroom Look Beautiful

Guest Post - 9 Ultimate Ways to Make Your Bedroom Look Beautiful

A bedroom is where you will spend more time than any other living space in your home. It’s a place where you can create your private haven of tranquility, a place where you rejuvenate yourself after a tiring day at work, and zone out when you must.

A well-decorated bedroom can promote quality of sleep and make you feel ‘at home,’ each time you step inside to relax, sleep, or curl up and read a book after college or work.

Guest Post - How To Organize Your Bedroom To Improve Sleep Quality 

Guest Post - How To Organize Your Bedroom To Improve Sleep Quality 

Staying organized is a key way to achieve contentment in different aspects of your life as people are much happier and calmer in uncluttered spaces. Just think back on how much more productive you are when you’re in a clean home or office versus a messy one. Clutter can contribute to feelings of anxiety and guilt, which is a recipe for disaster when it comes to getting quality sleep. It’s important to have a clear head when you tuck yourself in at night, otherwise, those anxious thoughts may end up getting the better of you and your quality of sleep. Here are a few ways you can minimize messes to maximize rest.

Guest Post - 8 Ways to Transform Your Guest Room into a Calming Retreat

Guest Post - 8 Ways to Transform Your Guest Room into a Calming Retreat

Having company stay overnight at your house is exciting, but also nerve-wracking. There are just so many questions that you want to ask to ensure they have a good time. Will they find your guest bed comfortable? What will they think of your décor? Will they be okay with your cat running around like a lunatic at 3 a.m.?

While we can’t answer that last question, we can help you create an overnight setup for your guests that is as relaxing as it is cozy. Below, here are eight surefire ways of creating a calming retreat for your guests that will make them feel pampered and loved.

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