Empty Nest

Guest Post - Create Your Next Chapter: Remodeling Tips for Empty Nesters

Guest Post - Create Your Next Chapter: Remodeling Tips for Empty Nesters

When children spread their newly-adult wings and leave the nest, you may experience strong, conflicting feelings as you feel a sudden new quiet in your home. While you’re excited for your children as they craft their own lives, you’ll find a shift in both your daily activities and your living space. While your home will always be their home, you can experience joy by renovating vacated spaces like bedrooms into something special as you transform your new life.

Guest Post - Home Redecorating Tips & Advice for Empty Nesters

Guest Post - Home Redecorating Tips & Advice for Empty Nesters

Your kids have spread their wings and flown, leaving you with an empty nest and plenty of mixed emotions. While you are probably happy to see your teens embarking on their own lives, seeing their empty bedrooms on a daily basis can leave you feeling quite lonely.

Look on the bright side, though. With your kids out of the house, you finally have the extra space for that study, home office, craft room, or guest bedroom you’ve been longing for. Transforming a no-longer-used childhood bedroom into a brand-new space makes it much easier to process your emotions and enjoy being an empty nester. Here are a helpful home redecorating tips and some advice on how to transform the spaces in your once-bustling home.

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