Guest Room

Got a Guest Room? How to Furnish It for Comfort

Got a Guest Room? How to Furnish It for Comfort

If you’re lucky enough to have a guest room, then you’ll have a much easier time inviting friends and family to your home. Staying in another person’s house is often a bit comfortable, but your guests will feel much better with a room of their own. You’ll also have an easier time welcoming others into your home, since guests with their own space aren’t nearly as intrusive as cousins and friends who are flopping on your couch. If you really want people to enjoy their stay, you should furnish the guest room to be as comfortable as possible. Inviting guests to stay in an uncomfortable room is hardly an example of good hospitality. Here’s how you can create the perfect guest room for friends and family,

Guest Post - 8 Ways to Transform Your Guest Room into a Calming Retreat

Guest Post - 8 Ways to Transform Your Guest Room into a Calming Retreat

Having company stay overnight at your house is exciting, but also nerve-wracking. There are just so many questions that you want to ask to ensure they have a good time. Will they find your guest bed comfortable? What will they think of your décor? Will they be okay with your cat running around like a lunatic at 3 a.m.?

While we can’t answer that last question, we can help you create an overnight setup for your guests that is as relaxing as it is cozy. Below, here are eight surefire ways of creating a calming retreat for your guests that will make them feel pampered and loved.

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