
How to Properly Maintain Your Carpet and Area Rugs

How to Properly Maintain Your Carpet and Area Rugs

Soft carpet or rugs can feel great under your feet, especially after a long day of running around. There’s nothing like a beautiful rug or new carpet to really tie a room together and add value to your home. They can be great statement pieces, but what they end up saying about your home can be the wrong thing if they’re not properly maintained. Stains, wear and tear, or just poor quality materials can all have a negative impact on what you might be trying to accomplish by adding carpet or rugs to your home unless they’re properly maintained. Below are some tips that might help you with rug and carpet maintenance to make sure you're doing all you can to keep your home looking great.

Guest Post - Little Known Ways to Lessen Your Carbon Footprint

Guest Post - Little Known Ways to Lessen Your Carbon Footprint

Many people these days are becoming interested in their carbon footprint and are learning about ways to reduce it.  You probably are already aware of more than a few good ways to do it. You probably already purchase appliances that are energy efficient as well as food that is either local or organic or both.  You might even already be using cleaners that are nontoxic as well. That being said, there are still quite a few other ways to green up your way of life that you might not think about right off hand.  Here are a couple of the lesser known ways to be more eco – friendly.

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