stress reduction

Staying Organized on Moving Day: 5 Tips for Managing Logistics and Minimizing Stress

Staying Organized on Moving Day: 5 Tips for Managing Logistics and Minimizing Stress

After moving enough times, you'll start to see a pattern. The initial excitement is when you gather packing supplies, move cartons, and prepare yourself for days of hard labor. You realize that what you thought was going to be a ten-minute job is going to actually take 30 minutes, and that you're going to have to work for five hours instead of an hour.

Adopting Routines to Promote Stress-Free Living Amidst Uncertain Times

Adopting Routines to Promote Stress-Free Living Amidst Uncertain Times

Based on your lifestyle choices, relationships, and interests, it’s likely you know yourself as either someone who thrives off regular routine and structure or is the type of person to live in the moment with more spontaneity to your day. The truth of the matter is that during stressful times or challenging situations, everyone, regardless of your personality, can benefit from following a routine and working to replace some unhealthy coping strategies with healthier habits.

Living in these modern times, you must learn to adapt to the constant changing and unpredictability of the world. This can be especially challenging and anxiety-provoking if you do not have the tools to stay organized and focused on positive outcomes. If you are feeling a bit overwhelmed or uneasy about what the future holds, take a few moments to review this list to help get your mind refocused in the right direction.

Interview - LEC Massage & Wellness

Interview - LEC Massage & Wellness

As one can imagine many of our clients are busy with work and children and therefore they experience a certain amount of stress in their daily lives. As organizers we can help them take back control of their space, but we look to others for other kinds of relief. We spoke with Lourdez Castro, HHC, LMT with LEC Massage & Wellness about other ways to reduce stress. 

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