Guest Post - 8 Ways to Prepare Your Home For the Winter Season and Save Energy


As winter approaches, the temperatures will drop and our heating bills will rise. We want to stay as warm as possible during these chilly months but spending more time indoors or hosting family for the holidays means that your utility bills might pay the price. Fortunately, there are some really easy ways to shave off some of your energy bill and at the same time help the environment by reducing energy use. 

Saving energy (and money) basically comes down to 1) relying less on your home heating to keep you warm and 2) reducing ways heat can be lost. Since space heating makes up 45% of your energy bill, it’s a great place to start saving. 

The Zebra put together some easy ways to save energy this winter by making simple changes inside your home. Most of these can be done in under five minutes and you’ll be on your way to having a warm and cozy home with a smaller utility bill. 

1. Switch to LED lights

Christmas decor and outdoor lighting can be swapped out with energy-efficient bulbs. 

2. Close your chimney when not in use

When you aren’t staying warm by the fire, close the damper and flue to reduce heat loss. 

3. Weatherproof doors and windows

Nearly 25% of home heating escapes your home through small cracks so seal them up to save. 

4. Set your water heater to 120-140 degrees

Water heating accounts for 10% of home energy use so this easy fix can help you save big. 

5. Install a programmable thermostat

You don’t need a smart thermostat to save money. Just set your temperature down a few degrees while you’re away to save on your bills

6. Rotate ceiling fans to turn clockwise

Rotating your fans will pull warm air down into your room so your heater doesn’t have to work quite as much to regulate the temperature.

7. Open curtains and blinds to allow sunlight in 

During the day, let the light in and naturally warm up your home!

8. Use rugs to insulate your floors 

Keep warm with cozy rugs on your floors to help soak up all the heat. 

Author Bio: Amanda Tallent is a content creator for The Zebra who shares helpful tips on keeping a safe and happy home all year round. 

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