Make it Go Away

Make it Go Away

When potential clients call, we ask them about their space challenges and one of the most common answers is the big three: attic, basement and garage. We call these areas “Make it go away” rooms. The habit goes past out of sight out of mind to reveal a deeper issue with clutter and how we deal with stuff. When we have homes for items organizational systems make sense, however, for many household items when the don’t have a home we put them in the attic, basement or garage. You ever notice people don’t use “put it” that much but rather “throw it” when talking about those make it go away items.

Guest Post - Home Move: Making It an Enjoyable Experience

Guest Post - Home Move: Making It an Enjoyable Experience

Moving is not an easy task but it doesn’t have to be a procession of misery. Every now and then we are faced with this activity, and its frequency is especially familiar to roaming millennials that tend to move from one apartment to the other. Anxiety will not only make the entire experience feel longer, it will also make you less efficient and, even worse, open the possibility for mismanagement and lost items. If the long and stress-inducing shadow of a big move looms over your head, here’s how the move can be reassessed, making it an enjoyable experience.

Guest Post - 5 Tips for Achieving a Cozy Family Room

Guest Post - 5 Tips for Achieving a Cozy Family Room

The family room is the heart of every home. This is where the real magic of community happens: it’s where you and your loved ones spend time socializing, relaxing and having fun. So, if you want to make this special space even more comfortable and cozy, consider these 5 family room design ideas. They will certainly come in handy as the winter approaches!

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