Guest Post - 5 Ways to Increase the Comfort of Your Home

Guest Post - 5 Ways to Increase the Comfort of Your Home

When you think about home, probably the first thing that comes to your mind is comfort. The more comfortable your home is, the more relaxed you are, both mentally and physically. That being said, aiming at making your home as comfy as possible makes a lot of sense. And if you don’t know where to start, here are five great ways for increasing the comfort of your home.

Guest Post - 7 Ways for Filling your Home with Positive Energy

Guest Post - 7 Ways for Filling your Home with Positive Energy

Did you know that your home can have a big effect on your mood? Being in a place full of positive vibes and energy can benefit both your body and mind. When we and our children are surrounded by things that we find comforting and pleasing, we tend to feel happy about life. On the other hand, being in a home filled with negative vibes can trigger bad memories and easily bring you down. Instead of letting your home become a negative place, let’s take a look at 7 ways for filling your home with positive vibes.

What Retirement Reveals

What Retirement Reveals

So you’re finally retired. Wonderful news! Now you can get to all those books you have been meaning to read, take a trip when and where you want, spend more time with friends, children and grandchildren, and volunteer at your favorite charity. Being retired gives you the freedom to make your own schedule, and also means you will be home a lot more than you were in the past.

However, spending more hours at home means having the time to actually look at your home.

Interview - Isabelle Dervaux, Family Photo Curator

Interview - Isabelle Dervaux, Family Photo Curator

If a photo is worth a thousand words what happens when you have thousands of photos? Most if not all of our clients ask us what to do with their photos. First, we want to get them all together and store them safely (not in a hot attic or wet garage) and then we can decide what “action” applies to the photos. For some simply keeping them safe is the next and final step but for some other ideas we spoke with Photo Organizer Isabelle Dervaux.

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