Guest Post - Home Redecorating Tips & Advice for Empty Nesters

Guest Post - Home Redecorating Tips & Advice for Empty Nesters

Your kids have spread their wings and flown, leaving you with an empty nest and plenty of mixed emotions. While you are probably happy to see your teens embarking on their own lives, seeing their empty bedrooms on a daily basis can leave you feeling quite lonely.

Look on the bright side, though. With your kids out of the house, you finally have the extra space for that study, home office, craft room, or guest bedroom you’ve been longing for. Transforming a no-longer-used childhood bedroom into a brand-new space makes it much easier to process your emotions and enjoy being an empty nester. Here are a helpful home redecorating tips and some advice on how to transform the spaces in your once-bustling home.

Guest Post - How Virtual Reality is Going to Change the Interior Designing Industry

Guest Post - How Virtual Reality is Going to Change the Interior Designing Industry

Ours is the age of technology, its fashion, food, construction or interior design. Virtual reality has begun to change the way interior designers work. Designers feel more confident in presenting their ideas with the help of virtual tools and software because they make the ideas come alive before they actually come alive. To get more insight into the virtual reality software and their impact, we had a little chat with Westbrook Interiors, Office Interior Design Head. Our expert associated the satisfaction of customers with productive and efficient processing that virtual reality provides in these words:

Guest Post - 9 Clever Ideas to Make Your Compact Outdoor Space Feel Bigger

Guest Post - 9 Clever Ideas to Make Your Compact Outdoor Space Feel Bigger

No matter how small it might be, a backyard area can be your stylish and comfortable outdoor sanctuary. Although there might be some design challenges, you can easily overcome them with a detailed approach and a creative plan. Here are several inspiring ideas that will help you bring your compact outdoor haven to a new level.

Guest Post - Tips for Planning Your Garden from Scratch

Guest Post - Tips for Planning Your Garden from Scratch

A garden brings out the elegance of a house. Along with the beauty that it portrays, it even reflects the creativity and dedication of the person who maintains it. If you have recently bought a house and this thinking of starting a garden, but have got no tips for starting a garden, then this is the best place you have come across. Though this article we can help you in giving ideas for planning your garden from scratch.

The Teenage Room Dilemma

The Teenage Room Dilemma

It’s challenging to organize your house when you have teenagers. Your priorities and theirs are different. You know you have been a good role model, you put your dishes in the dishwasher and empty it when the dishes are clean, your clothes are not lying on your bedroom floor, your bathroom towels are hung on rods or hooks, and your car keys are always in the same place. Why does your teenager not have the same thought process?

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