Tips for Designing an In-Home Art Studio

Tips for Designing an In-Home Art Studio

For those who enjoy creating and designing, art is an expression of themselves and something that deserves their attention. At home, it’s frustrating when you must pull out all the art supplies every time you feel a creative urge. Digging supplies out of storage bins and carts is a fantastic way to never get any art projects done. Have you ever considered designating an area in your home just for art? Follow along as we look at some tips for designing an in-home art studio, and you might find the perfect solution.

Choose Your Space

The first thing you need for an art studio at home is some space. It may seem as if the house is full and there’s nothing left for you, but if you look closely, there might be just the right spot for a studio. Check out the following list for some ideas:

  • The garage

  • A walk-in closet

  • A corner of the bedroom

  • The basement

  • A spare room

  • An unused dining room

Natural lighting is important for an art studio, so keep that in mind. And remember, even a small space near a basement window lets in some light.

Prepare the Room for Inspiration

Once you choose the perfect location, your in-home art studio needs some preparation. As an artist, your space should inspire you and be able to handle all your supplies. Try the following ideas to help in those areas.

Paint the Walls

The walls are your blank canvas for your studio. If the area needs it, add some fresh paint. Light colors are an excellent choice for the walls, so the room is brighter and works well with any natural light. However, if you’re the type that needs darkness and warmth as you paint, sculpt, and design, then choose darker wall coloring.

Add Shelves and Cabinets

Arts and crafts require lots of gadgets and mediums. The next step is to create spaces where you can store your art supplies. Install as many shelves on the wall as you can to save space. Hutches and cabinets also work great for storage and keeping the room looking tidy.

Gather Containers

Now you’re ready to gather a variety of containers to hold your supplies. You need containers that fit well on your shelves and in the cabinets and other storage units you are using. There are never-ending possibilities when it comes to art supply storage, and the best solution for you varies depending on what type of tools you have. Here are some options you can use to hold your tools and supplies:

  • Shoe boxes

  • Milk crates

  • Baskets

  • Plastic and metal bins

  • Buckets

  • Antique drawers

Gather Your Supplies

You’ve got fresh walls and usable storage; now it’s time for the art supplies. As you fill up your unique spot, this is the time to add some innovative and new art supplies to your studio. It’s harder to add an additional collection down the road if you’ve already designated a space for everything. Try to keep similar supplies together and make sure the ones you frequently use are easy to grab.

Homes feature specific areas and rooms for defined purposes, but it’s your home, and you can make each space whatever you want it to be. Designing an in-home art studio is the perfect solution for an unused area, and it’s sure to give you a lifetime of enjoyment.

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